Queensland: State Election 2020 Results

House of Representatives
Tuesday 10 November 2020

Ten days ago the people of Queensland had their say on what sort of state they want to live in. They chose a government focused on protecting Queenslanders' health with a strong economic plan. They gave the privilege of forming government to a true Labor legend, Annastacia Palaszczuk. Premier Palaszczuk and her team were rewarded with four years of majority government to build on the strong economic recovery they've laid out for our state. The federal and state LNP, from the Prime Minister and the Premier of New South Wales right down to a host of members in this place and a gaggle of no-name Queensland LNP senators, did their best to try and see our Premier break on her strong stance on our borders. Every step of the way, Premier Palaszczuk stood up to the LNP. Queensland has backed her and one of the best treasurers in the country, the Hon. Cameron Dick. Right across Queensland, the ALP prevailed in places like Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Hervey Bay, the Gold Coast, Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast and won seats like Caloundra and Nicklin, seats the Labor Party has never held.

Now Australia's longest-serving female leader in any jurisdiction, my friend Annastacia Palaszczuk has already begun the hard work of leading our state in the COVID recovery. Queenslanders have once again rejected the LNP's plans of cuts to services, sacking frontline workers and selling our essential services, and they've rejected the chaos and mistruth of Clive Palmer and One Nation, aided and abetted by the LNP. With Annastacia Palaszczuk, they have a strong leader, someone who cares about our state and will not leave them behind.