Government: Australia Post Controversy

House of Representatives
Tuesday 27 October 2020

It's known that the rot starts at the top, and that's exactly what we're seeing unravel when it comes to Australia Post under this government and this embattled Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts, whose performances in this place over the past few days have made MPs on his own side cringe with embarrassment. The once trusted Australia Post brand has been utterly trashed, but this minister and this Prime Minister take absolutely no responsibility for their failings.

The Prime Minister beat his chest at the dispatch box last Thursday, proclaiming that he was appalled and shocked by the revelations of the largesse in the form of luxury Cartier watches as a reward to highly paid Australia Post executives. When is the Prime Minister going to be appalled and shocked by the sheer incompetence of this minister for communications, who is ultimately responsible for Australia Post? When is the Prime Minister going to be appalled and shocked by the fact that this is the same minister who, in his previous portfolio, signed off on the $30 million purchase of land in the Leppington Triangle that was worth only $3 million? I won't hold my breath as long as this government continues to stack the Australia Post board with cronies like Bruce McIver, who was appointed to this plum position just three months after standing down as the president of the LNP in Queensland. Yes, Mr McIver brings a lot of experience to the role, having held an executive position with Clive Palmer's Asia Pacific Shipping Enterprises. It's time this Prime Minister took responsibility for his actions and started standing up for Australia Post.